Home > How can you support trixiewiz e. V.?

As a non‐profit, Trixiewiz e. V. is dependent on private donations and public funding. A donation to Trixiewiz e. V. supports us in our commitment to and realization of projects.

If you would like to support our work, please send your donation to our association account:

Förderverein Trixiewiz e. V.

IBAN: DE29 1001 0010 0534 4031 00


Postbank Berlin

Our association is a recognized non‐profit; therefore, your donation is tax deductible. For donations up to 100 €, you will receive a deposit receipt in lieu of a donation receipt. For donations over 100 €, you will receive a donation receipt. Please note your name and mailing address on the remittance slip or send us a donation statement.

Donation Policy

Members of Trixiewiz e. V. can be individuals or legal entities. The association consists of active and supporting members as well as honorary members.

Active members work directly with other members of the association.

Supporting members are members who, despite not working actively within the association, promote and support the goals and purpose of the association in an appropriate manner.

If you would like to support Trixiewiz e. V. as a supporting member, please print the application form (provided below as a PDF).

Download Application Form for Supporting Members

Active and supporting members support Trixiewiz e. V. with an annual membership fee of 25,‐ € for individuals and 50,‐ € for legal entities.

Download Membership Fee Form

Honorary members are members who have done exceptional work for the association and are identified at one of the general meetings. Honorary members of the association are exempt from paying membership fees.

All personal data is saved and used purely for the purposes of the association. Further use is expressly forbidden.

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