Speak Up!
Total Plural e.V. and Trixiewiz e.V., the organisers of this joint project, began the process with several questions: Why do women* leave their country of origin? What do they experience on their dangerous journeys? What obstacles stand in their way upon arrival in Berlin?
While public discourse is shaped by polemical expressions like “mass migration” and “refugee crisis”, we choose to focus on individual experiences and pathways. We want to distance ourselves from generalizing narratives and explicitly focus on gender-specific issues.
The project Female* Refugee Speakerboxx aims to give space to female perspectives. We work with a group of female* refugees to create a safe space for conversation through empowerment trainings and theatrical exercises.
On March 26, 2017, we will explore these topics in an event organised by, for, and with women* living in refugee camps. We have been meeting these women* for the last six months and have used art and theater as a means of empowerment. This event aims to spark debate on women*’s rights and empowerment and will be accompanied by international musicians.
Everyone is welcome. The event will be in German with translations in English and Arabic available.
For more information on the event, go to: https://www.facebook.com/Total-Plural-eV-Afro-Deutsche-Ateliers-258323327521393/?fref=ts
Total Plural e.V., Ulrike Düregger, info@afro-deutsche-spielgruppe-berlin.de
Trixiewiz e.V: mail@trixiewiz.de
With kind support from Stiftung Nord-Süd-Brücken
and the Partnerschaften für Demokratie Süd (BA Pankow)