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In 2004 and 2005 the non-profit organization Trixiewiz e.V. is raising funds for the (school) education of girls in northern Uganda.

Not only do investments in the education of girls protect them from discrimination, exploitation and dangers such as AIDS, but they also have extensive positive repercussions in the development of a society as a whole.

We, Trixiewiz e.V., know that providing these girls with an education means that they are being given a positive outlook on live and protected from exploitation. Therefore we financially support female AIDS-orphans so that they can attend school. One founding member of our organization is currently based in Adjumani (northern Uganda) and working on the education-project in cooperation with our partner-organization MACI-Uganda.

It is our goal to help these girls to gain their right to an education so that they will have the possibility to develop as independent personalities and ultimately obtain the freedom to lead their lives in self-determination.

For more information send an email to trixiewiz@gmx.net

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